The divas of the nervous system that are such a PAIN...


"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!




You may have noticed that if you are dealing with pain, it may be alleviated with things like rubbing, squeezing, gently moving, adding heat or cold, or yelling curse words. 

Minus the curse words (that's something different), here's why it works...


We have different nerves for different sensations, for example:

  • thermo-receptors receive information about temperature

  • baroreceptors receive information about pressure (squeezing)

  • motor-receptors receive information about movement

  • and nociceptors receive information about THREAT ---and they are total divas

So let's say you jam your toe into a table, your nociceptors are like divas -- they're artistes -- not interested in being accurate or logical. They just want to make a lot of noise. They tell your brain "oh lordy, we've got a problem!"

If this is the ONLY information your brain receives, then it'll think you're actually dying and will make you blinded with pain.

So typically you do what? You jump up and down (movement), you squeeze the affected area (baroreceptors), you rub, you put some ice on it. 

And all of this added information about the affected area gives your brain a more detailed picture of just how much danger you're actually in.

The brain then often lessens the amount of pain it makes you feel. 



This is known as the Gate Control Theory and it's just one part of the Neuroscience of Pain that I'm going to share in my upcoming workshop!

This workshop is totally free because I want more people to understand how much control we actually do have when it comes to managing pain. If 'you're a Move with adell member, you'll have it in your library. If not...

*You can sign up for this workshop by joining my Brain Challenge
(even if you don't want to do the rest of it)


The workshop was live on Thursday 21 March. 
But the recording is still available.


Thank you for reading!

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Hope to have you in the live on Thursday!

Adell xoxo




Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?​
β€’ Come hang out with me in Morocco and do handstands stuff! -- just a few spaces left for September! β€‹
β€’ Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC here!​
β€’ Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: Click here for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!


Adell Bridges