The link between your moods and your inner ear?! What?!

The more I learn about the vestibular system, the more I CANNOT stop seeing the importance of training it.

So let's discuss it...


"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!




Training the vestibular system (your inner ear) with things like these funny head movements, may help you...feel....more emotionally stable? What??! 

(Yes I'm still incredulous as I type this! You too? Read on with me...) 



The vestibular system has substantial connections with the limbic system, which is central to emotional regulation

It's also linked to several other areas of the brain, showing it plays a part in all sorts of other things such as arousal, focus, and communication. 

But to me it just makes sense: your vestibular system is what tells your brain:

  1. Which way is up

  2. What direction you're moving in

Which sounds so basic it's easy to brush off as nothing, until you think about how crappy it would feel to not know which way is up or down 😱

And even if you don't have a SEVERE vestibular deficit, there's a long list of super common things (such as NSAIDs, hormonal birth control, and antibiotics) that can impair vestibular function, so even if it's not so bad that you're dizzy all the time, you may still benefit from doing some vestibular drills.



How to train this secret superhero of the brain? 

Basically, move your head in different ways, while in different positions! 

Or! Try some vestibular drills with me in the new flow on Move With Adell:
Shoulders, Hips, and Brain Flow for Backbend Balance​

But if you want to be more targeted in your approach, notice if certain head movements elicit more feelings of dizziness or "just not right"-ness. Those are likely showing you where your vestibular system needs a little extra training. 

Slow it down, take it gently, but keep at it and it'll improve! 

And the best place to train your inner ear --in my opinion-- is in your yoga practice, when you're already in a mindful state and breathing fully. 


Move With Adell got upgraded! 
Loads of new features and options now available
Check it out here!​


Thank you for reading!

Please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Happy head movements,

Adell xoxo




Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?​
β€’ Come hang out with me in Morocco and do handstands stuff! -- just a few spaces left for September! β€‹
β€’ Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC here!​
β€’ Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: Click here for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges