Why traditional drills sometimes don't work

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



Often traditional "neck down" approach drills (e.g. movements that focus directly on the muscles, joints, or fascia) work! 

But sometimes, they don't. 

It's not uncommon to hear "I've tried all the drills in the world and I still can't get it...why?" 


It's because your brain dictates everything you do. 

Muscles contract because your brain tells them to.

Tissues soften because your brain tells them to.

And so if your brain is happy for a "neck down" drill to do its work, then happy days! 

But if that "neck down" drill is deemed threatening for your brain though, then ain't nothin' gonna happen.


How to remedy this frustrating situation is to forget about the tissues, and instead look at the brain!

An example might be to look at the visual system, which sits that top of your brain's hierarchy of systems. Ask what are my eyes doing? Could I reduce threat from my eyes, or give my brain better information through my eyes?

This is why I so often add visual, vestibular, and other “brain drills” to my yoga classes on
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Thank you for reading! Hit reply if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Wishing you a week full of your brain feeling safe,

Adell xoxo

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff? • Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC ​here​!​ • Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches:  ​Click here​ for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges