How your future self can help you NOW

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



Caring about your future self as much as you care about your present self may lead to making better health decisions.


Brain scan research* shows that when we think about other people, a different area of the brain is active compared to when we think about ourselves.

When we think about our future selves, it's the same area of the brain that's designated for other people.

Basically: we see our future selves as SOMEBODY ELSE. 

So depending on how much you care -- and feel a sense of responsibility for -- that "other person", you'll make decisions IN THE PRESENT MOMENT that benefit that future you. 


As I explain in ​this short video​, you can take this information and use it to your (or, your future self's) benefit in all areas of life that require a bit of discipline:

💰 Saving instead of spending 🏋️‍♀️ Exercising instead of making excuses 🦷 Flossing instead of...not flossing! 🛌 Going to bed early instead of staying up 🥑 Choosing nourishing foods instead of...whatever you know doesn't work for you in the long term. 

Ways to engender a deeper sense of responsibility for your older self: 

• Literally imagine your older self when you're faced with an "easy or effortful" choice and imagine what they would want. • Use an AI filter that makes your selfie look old (studies have found actually SEEING yourself as older helps.) • Write a letter to your older self explaining WHY you chose the easy option that they will have to deal with. • Or, have a conversation with your future self regularly, checking in to make sure your present decisions are helping them. 

These things may sound cheesy or dumb, but it's how our brain works

Give your future self some love with the new Strength-building flow on Move With Adell: Strong "I Can Do Hard Things" Core, Hips, and Ankles Flow

Thank you for reading! Get in touch if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Wishing you and your future self a pleasant week,

Adell xoxo

​*Future self continuity is associated with improved health and increases exercise behaviour​

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?​ ​• Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC ​here​!​ • Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches:  ​Click here​ for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges