Don't rely on motivation for your 2024 goals...

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



Willpower alone won't get you to your goals. 


Your brain relies on previously-created patterns to reduce the energy it has to expend. That's why old habits are so hard to break. 

So relying on:

motivation (which will always ebb and flow)

and willpower (which isn't finite but gets kind of "attacked" in the brain by other priorities and arguments*) 

alone won't get you to your goals. 

These are excellent for STARTING something. 

But when we hit the inevitable barriers, we need more tools in place. 


How we can bolster our willpower is to add:

  • Help from others (like booking onto ​my Handstand Retreat in Morocco ​and spending a week with me so I can motivate you, along with the others in the group, to finally get serious about your handstand!)

  • Changing your environment -- have you ever noticed that when you start a new job, or move to a new city, that's when you also start eating differently or get a new morning routine? The people, buildings, infrastructure, and climate are just a few things that are very influential on our behaviours. 

  • Appreciate that incremental changes add up! Sometimes we get carried away with trying to jump straight to the top of the mountain. Keep it simple: if your goal is a 1-minute handstand hold, but right now you can only hold 2-3 seconds, then make your first goal holding for 4 seconds. Then 5 seconds. And keep going like that.  Give yourself a pat on the back for reaching each mini-milestone! 

    • this ☝️ is exactly why my flows on MWA are short and loop -- so you can feel good about getting on your mat for 15-20 minutes! Then, if at the end of the flow you feel like doing more, you're back in the position we started in, ready to go again and get the benefit of repetition (how new habits are made!) 

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You're are doing amazing at this life thing. You are! It's not easy! And you're killing it!!! You got this!!!!! 

Adell xoxo

​*willpower isn't finite but it feels like it is​

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

• Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC ​here​! • Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: ​Click here​ for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges