How mindfulness reduces pain

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!




Mindfulness increases the sense of safety your nervous system feels, thus reducing pain.*



You probably know that mindfulness is being aware of what you're doing while you're doing it.

But remember it also involves doing so with curiosity rather than judgement or expectations. 

(Judgement and unmet expectations create a sense of danger in the brain. Curiosity keeps the brain calm.) 

Fear is the emotion at the root of frustration, impatience, anxiety, and worry. (All things that put our brain into "danger!" mode.)

That Danger Mode leads to (and increases any existing) threat responses: dizziness, fatigue, stiffness, and pain


How:'s kind of "duh", right? It's yoga! And in particular, Santosha (the theme this month on Move With Adell):

Not trying to change anything, rather accepting things as they are.

Meet any fear, discomfort, or pain with calm curiosity to feel better overall in your movement (and in your life). 

Don't let pain scare you!

If your pain creates fear, that fear fuels the pain. 

It's a vicious cycle. 


Instead: think "okay...I feel some pain here. I'm still safe. I'm okay. It's a sensation I'm going to explore." 

For example, if backbends scare you because of back pain, maybe you can explore that with a curious mind in today's new 19-minute flow on Move With Adell​


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Thank you for reading! Get in touch if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Stay curious,

Adell xoxo



Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

β€’ Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC here!​
β€’ Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: Click here for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges