Is a pelvic tilt bad??

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!




I used to be stuck in an anterior pelvic tilt* and learning how to move out of that relieved me of a lot of low back pain. 

The key word here is "stuck"

It was because I had no awareness of what my pelvis was doing, and it was very challenging for me to move out of that anterior tilt.

*This is when your pelvis tips forward, so it's like you're sticking your booty out, and the low back curves beyond its natural, neutral curvature. Posterior pelvic tilt is the opposite: that "tucking the tail" action which results in the low back curve being lessened.



Why this is worth paying attention to, is because the position of the pelvis affects the spine and also the rest of the body.

If you have no issues and you feel great and totally healthy, 
then whatever your pelvis is doing is probably working for you. 

But being able to consciously bring your pelvis into different positions gives you a CHOICE. 

Before I learned better awareness of my pelvis, I didn't have that choice. 

I only knew anterior tilt. 

And for me that meant low back pain.



Once I learned how to isolate that movement (like I show here in this 30-second video) I was able to build the awareness of where my pelvis was in various postures.

On hands and knees is perhaps the easiest place to find that isolated movement. 

But it can be so fun to play around with it in lots of different postures and transitions: standing (tadasana), warrior 2, chair pose, plank, halfway lift (ardha uttanasana), moving from standing to forward fold, reverse table top, handstand! The sky is the limit! 

Give it a try with me in today's new flow on Move With Adell: Gentle Spinal Satisfaction Flow​


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Thank you for reading! Get in touch if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Wishing your pelvis joyful tilting,

Adell xoxo



Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

β€’ Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC here!​
β€’ Check out the courses from Z-health, where I learned all of this. Click here for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges